Trikes are formidable vehicles and are engineered to withstand all kinds of conditions on the road with ease. However, it takes a good deal of care and maintenance to keep your trike functioning smoothly. Expensive repairs and part replacements are things that all trike owners want to avoid, and luckily, there are measures you can take to do so.

Our experts at Road Track & Trail in Big Bend, WI, are the ideal advisors on how to care for your investment and get the most out of your trike for as long as possible. Here are some of the steps we advise our customers to apply after buying one of our quality trikes.

Check Tire Pressure

Your tires are vital to your trike’s functionality and endure a lot of wear and tear while transporting you across long distances at high speeds. That’s why frequently checking the air pressure of your tires is so key to avoiding punctures or dangerous accidents while riding. Too much or too little air pressure makes your tires vulnerable to breaking and can also strain your trike. Having a pressure gauge on hand when you ride or checking your pressure before hitting the road can save you from potentially dangerous situations in the future.


Lubrication is another process you want to become familiar with so you can keep your trike operating optimally. There are quality lubricants that you can find on the market that will reduce friction in the mechanical parts of your trike. It’s important to keep your chain, brakes, and other areas lubricated to avoid serious damage that can affect different parts of your trike. This is also important for your safety given that you’ll want to avoid any mechanical failures while traveling at high speeds. We also recommend that users refer to their owner’s manuals or to professionals who can direct them to lubricants that are most compatible with their trikes.

Cleaning and Storage

Cleaning and storing your trike properly are steps you can’t afford to overlook if you want to keep your machine in top shape for as long as you can. Stuck-on dirt can cause corrosion to parts of your trike and clog your filters while riding. Exposure to too much sunlight can also hurt the appearance of your trike and can be a costly fix. Finding a dry storage area for your trike away from rain, dust, and other threats will keep it well preserved during seasons when you’re not riding. This is a great way to get value for your money and enjoy your investment longer.

Visit us in Big Bend today for more information on trikes and proper trike care. We also serve all shoppers from Milwaukee and Waukesha, WI as well as our customers in Chicago, IL.