Having an ATV can help you make memories and complete the toughest tasks. When you make the investment to purchase your own, you want to make sure it can last a lifetime! Our team at Road Track & Trail has a few tips to help you keep your ATV running for years to come. 

1. Get to Know Your Vehicle

In order to take amazing care of your ATV you have to know it really well. Spend some time looking at the owner’s manual to get to know your specific model, but also pay attention to the vehicle every time you ride. Learn its quirks, limitations, and reactions so you can recognize when things are out of the ordinary.

2. Follow a Maintenance Schedule

As soon as you purchase your ATV you should begin thinking about how often it will need serviced. Regular maintenance like oil changes and tire care will keep your vehicle performing its best. It’s important to create and follow a maintenance schedule, especially if you ride frequently. 

3. Cleaning Counts

Obviously your ATV will get dirty pretty quickly, but cleaning is actually one of the best ways to extend the life of your vehicle. Keeping the body and underside of the ATV clean will help you identify problems early on. It also reduces the risk of rust or damage. Even if you can’t do a deep clean after every outing, a quick rinse can be just as effective.

Following simple tips like these will help you enjoy your ATV for many, many years! Visit us in Big Bend, WI, to stock up on the supplies you need. We proudly serve Milwaukee and Waukesha.